Friday, February 22, 2019


Week 3
This week we are going over he different parts of the brain and different chemicals in the brain. My birthday is September 30th, so my part f the brain is the temporal lobe and my chemical is serotonin. The temporal lobe deals with auditory input and speech patterns, and serotonin is the feel good chemical that is released when holding someone's hand. My superhero is the Hearing-Helper. He can hear anything in a 10 mile radius, but he can only hear negative things. When he hears a negative or degrading comment, he goes to that person to comfort them and make them feel better.
Image result for Ear superhero cartoon
Origin Story
The Hearing-Helper, aka Little Jimmy gained his powers on a tragic day when he was 5 years old. Because of a bad ear infection he walked into his parents bedroom and saw his dad verbally abusing his mother. His father proceeded to chunk a bottle of whiskey at his child. The bottle shattered as it collided with his ear. Blood drenched the carpet and Jimmy passed out from all the pain. 15 years later when he awoke from a brutal coma, Jimmy's mind was flooded with negative comments from every part of the hospital. The alcohol had mixed with the ear infection to give him super hearing. However, due to the aggression that caused him to get his powers Jimmy can only hear frustration and anger filled comments. Now 20, the Hearing-Helper uses his abilities to prevent acts against national security, but his most important skill is comforting those around him. Because he can hear whats going on with his friends and family, he can provide them with comfort and help them get passed what they're going through. 
Image result for superhero teams generic kids
The Temporal Team
The hearing helper found other friends who have similar super powers as him. He got together with the Super Speaker, Opioid, and Static Sensation to form the temporal team. The Temporal Team is a group of people who work together to better communication around the world. The Hearing Helper provides insight about the problems going around, the Super Speaker communicates with the rest of the world about the problems, Opioid sends positive vibes to those in times of need, and finally, Static Sensation influences criminal masterminds to make the right decisions and give up their life of crime. Together, they help brighten the world and make it a better place.

If you want to explore more about the Temporal Lobe visit here

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Week 2
 While most of the tests that were available were memory tests, I don't feel like they served their purpose. They only tested short term memory, and even though they tested it well, it still isn't a fair representation of memory as a whole. Because long term memory is more crucial for important situations, testing only short term is a waste of time. Furthermore, I think because long term memory is still functional in people that have dementia, it should be valued more than it currently is, so I enjoyed the cognitive skills tests more than the memory tests. They in cooperate more parts of the brain, so they are a more fair representation of the functionality of the brain as a whole. the results from these tests made a lot more sense. For example, as the age increased so did the vocabulary. However, as age increased for  reflex test the scores decreased due to a deterioration of certain parts of the brain. These tests aren't 100% conclusive because disorders and other dysfunctions were not taken into account, but they do the best jobs of conducting effective research.
Did you know that our long term memories contain sharper detail than our short term? Read more about it at